If you don’t have NoGlo, your Sims will glow in the dark. You will also need to download NoGlo v2 with this mod. You’ll need to delete the old NoBlu if you have it in your mods folder. I recommend checking out OOTD lighting mod if you prefer something more Sims 2-esque.
Maxis has “fixed” the arch lighting bug (wherein the light spill was ridiculously high and made rooms brighter than they’re supposed to) within their lighting files, so NoBlu v2 includes this fix. Useful Cheats: the censor blur during animations can be removed either through WW. I only focused on getting rid of the blue tint in dark lighting conditions. However that does not mean your baby will be invisible, it will instead result in your baby having the wrong color during child birth, I will be working on a fail safe very soon so that when the issue occurs, the baby will take the skin tone of the pregnant sim. With v2, the intensity of the in-game lights don’t change like it did with v1. Edit:made changes to post due to a helpful redditer giving me the link to the website, had a brain fart didnt remember before. This mod removes the blur effect that covers a Sim when Showering, Using the Washroom, and Breastfeeding. It’s been well over a year since NoBlu v1 came out and I figured it was time for an update! Go to program files, origin games, the sims 4, game, bin, res, thumbnailconfig go to sizesmall and change the number from 64,64 to 256, 256. Moxiemason over at Mod The Sims has released a No Mosaic/Censor Mod.